Day 15
Read today’s passage, then pray the following prayer prompt aloud either just as it is or in your own words.Today’s Passage
“The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.” -Ecclesiastes 12:13
Today’s Prayer
Heavenly Father,
Today, I confess that I am exhausted
by all of the noise generated by this world.
Protect my mind, my eyes and my heart
from all opinions and chatter
that are not grounded in Your truth.
Everything I really need to know
You have said in Your Word.
Center my heart to know Your truth,
to love Your truth,
and to live Your truth.
Help me to listen and obey Your commands,
above the distractions and noise that surround me.
Guide me to know what aligns with Your Word
and what does not.
Shield me from counterfeit offers and distractions,
so I will obey you joyfully.
My obedience is not optional;
It’s the most important thing I do.